Null’s Brawl Commands

The Null’s Brawl server now has special fast commands that let you easily unlock all the brawlers and update them right away. At the moment, there are six commands available. These may sound like a few, but they are more than enough to help you get started and enjoy the game without waiting.

If you already have an early version of our private server, you’ll be able to access premium features soon. These features are still being worked on, and we will update you with all the details in the news section of our website once they are ready. So, keep an eye out for news and updates

Accelerated commands:

  • /help learn available commands on the server;
  • /unlock – unlock all brawlers;.
  • /full – upgrade all brawlers to the maximum level;
  • /status – learn information about the server (version, online players);
  • /clean – reset the account to the initial level (the fighters are also deleted);.
  • /addscore – add 85 trophies for each brawler;
  • /latency – this command allows you to know your latency to the server, the maximum and minimum in milliseconds.

How to use commands and where to enter them ?

Command Nulls Brawl
Null’s Brawl Commands

To use the commands at the Null’s Brawl server, enter them in the club chat. Commands must be entered with slashes along with words. When using a certain command, the necessary feature is applied instantly.

We are dedicated to making your experience better by offering these easy-to-use fast commands. And with the premium features coming soon, you can expect even more fun and smooth gameplay. Thanks for being with us, and we can’t wait to share everything we have planned for the future!